最新免刷機、免Root 安卓Pokemon Go寶可夢飛人外掛
1.在你安卓手機裡裝一個安卓5.1.1的模擬器 VMOS。
2.在模擬器中,安裝GPSJoystick以及用Lucky patcher 移入系統。
步驟一 關掉google play 安全防護
步驟二 下載安裝VMOS 網站上的VMOS(319 MB)版本 2019123007514345472 :https : //oscdn.vmos.com//vmmaster/vmVersion/2019123007514345472.apk 這是直接下載鏈接。您按它,然後會出現一個彈出窗口要求您保存它。
步驟三 下載飛行器gpsjoysticker安裝 下載網址: http://bit.ly/vmosjoy or http://gpsjoystick.theappninjas.com/download/gpsjoystick-unlocked-armeabi-v7a.apk
步驟四 下載幸運破解器luckyPatcher安裝[把飛行器移入系統用] 位址改為http://bit.ly/vmoslucky1 or https://www.mediafire.com/file/ls1r5ysbx773kjg/Lucky-Patcher-Official-8.6.3.apk/file
下載最新pokemongo安裝: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go/ (只要寶可夢強制升級就在這個網站找最新版的 apk 檔下載導入vmos)
步驟五 開啟vmos
Setting up VMOS
- Open VMOS app
- Swipe 4 times to the left until you see “Enter VMOS” at the bottom.
- Press on “Enter VMOS”
- Press “On” for “use floating window node”
- Press “Allow permission” to enable it.
- Press the back button to go back.
- Press on “To authorize”
- Press on “Allow” for “Allow VMOS to access this device’s location?”
- Press on “Allow” for “Allow VMOS to access photos, media, and files on your device?”
- Press on “Allow” for “Allow VMOS to record audio?”
- Wait for “install rom to access” to complete installing
- VMOS should be loading now
- Watch and close the 1st ad that pop up.
- Watch and close the 2nd ad that pop up.
- Wait for it to continue loading.
- Now you are at the home screen.
Sign into your Google Account and Disable Play Protect
- Press the “White Diamond Grey Circle button”
- Press on “System Setting”
- Press on “Accounts”
- Press “Add account”
- Press “Google”
- After checking info screen, you can now type in your Google email address then press “Next”
- Type in your password then press “Next”
- Press “I agree”
- After checking info screen, press “Accept”
- Now your Google account has been added.
Now you are going to Disable Play Protect in the Google Play Store.
- Press Recent Apps (white square) button, left swipe the settings window to close it.
- Now you are at the home screen, press on the Google Play Store (blue, green, red, and yellow triangle in white circle) button.
- Press the “3 black lines” on the left of “Search for apps & games” to open settings. You should see your Google email address there.
- Press “Play Protect”
- Press on Gear icon (top right corner)
- Now you are on the Pay Protect settings screen, you press on “Scan device for security threats”
- Press “OK” or “TURN OFF” to disable it.
- Both settings should turn grey to be disabled.
- Press Recent Apps (white square) button, left swipe the Play Store window to close it.
步驟六 將最新pokemongo 飛行器 幸運破解器 等三個程式導入vmos
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